2021 An Innovative and Complex Year for Sugar

Studio News
December 22, 2021
What a year for the studio! 

Like everyone, 2021 brought another year of great changes to the way we work as a studio, still unable to return to our offices, we embraced remote working and even had some team members join us in completely remote roles. We had the great pleasure of working with both brilliant clients and incredible brands as part of many amazing projects bringing innovation and exciting new tech to the world. 

Big Fix Up launch January

We were so proud to release our Fictioneers collaborative app, Wallace & Gromit: The Big Fix Up into the world. After years of work it was such a joy to see users playing the game and exploring the new story across social, comics and the app itself. We could never have predicted the amazing response that we had from fans and the industry, with features in the App Store and Google Play plus the awards shortlistings and wins that we have received. 

If you haven't played yet download here: Android and iOS.

Reel Reality launch March

Working with Edge21 was another amazing highlight of 2021, connecting audiences with movie locations and immersing them into the world of film. Seeing the app have such a great response from users and the industry makes all the hard work worthwhile. 

Winning Unboxed project as part of Collective Cymru - GALWAD May

We love collaborating with amazing organisations on groundbreaking ideas, so when we had the opportunity to be part of the Collective Cymru team, and subsequently one of the 10 projects to be funded by Unboxed Festival we jumped at the chance. 

Working alongside some of the most innovative organisations in Wales and independent artists to bring GALWAD to life has been one of our highlights, a project that brings together art, technology and community is something that we are so proud of, more will be revealed soon...

Fix Up the City launch August

After the fantastic response that we received when we launched the first Big Fix Up app in January we were so pleased to share a second adventure for our favourite duo. Played on location in Bristol, Cardiff and San Francisco the app used cutting edge AR technology in collaboration with Unity Technologies and 3D mapping company Fantasmo to accurately place objects around these iconic cities, gamifying spaces in new and exciting ways. And to top it off Unity have been kind enough to write about it as part of their showcase this year.

Download and play here: 

Download for iOS

Fix Up the City: UK / Fix Up the City: US

Download for Android

Fix Up The City: UK / Fix Up the City: US

Working with Assassin's Creed September 

In September we were finally able to announce our latest collaboration with gaming giants Ubisoft and Hampshire Cultural Trust to produce a special AR app to bring historic Winchester to life via the world of Assassin's Creed: Valhalla. The details are top secret at the moment but all will be revealed soon… 


Along with working hard developing exciting projects we’ve also remembered to enjoy ourselves! Whilst we can't be together in physical spaces we have made time as an organisation to have gaming evenings mixed in with some fun R&D work to learn more about all of the other amazing gaming experiences that are out in the world. Check out some of our recommendations further down.

Some team recommendations 

Lastly, we are a team that lives and breathes games and immersive experiences, here is a little taster of the games and experiences that we have loved this year and what we spent our days chatting about. 

  • Dream by the RSC
  • Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla 
  • Punchdrunk: The Burnt City
  • Minecraft 1.18: Caves & Cliffs: Part II
  • Animal Crossing: Happy home paradise DLC
  • Psychonauts 2 
  • The third day


We don’t want to brag but we are so proud of the list of awards and nominations that our projects have received this year (15!). What an achievement and a great reflection on the hard work from the whole team. Roll on 2022 to see what else we can achieve...


  • BIMA 10 
  • Finalists for Dr Seuss
  • Winner for Big Fix Up
  • CreaTech 100 Ones to Watch 
  • Sugar named as one of the 100 
  • Fictioneers named as one of the 100
  • The Drum
  • Nominated Most Effective Use of AR & VR for Big Fix Up 
  • QLD XR Festival
  • Winner Best in AR for Big Fix Up
  • Winner Best in the world for Big Fix Up
  • UK App Awards 
  • Winner Best Use of VR / AR in an App for Big Fix Up
  • Blooloop Innovation Awards 2021 
  • Winner in the Digital category for Big Fix Up
  • Fast Company 2021 Innovation by Design Awards 
  • Finalist for Big Fix Up
  • Creative Pool
  • Big Fix Up - Bronze Award winner 
  • Dr Suess - Finalist
  • Cannes Lion 
  • Shortlisted in Brand Experience and Activation for Big Fix Up
  • Shortlisted in MOBILE for Big Fix Up
  • TIGA Games Industry Awards
  • Shortlisted for Best AR/VR Game 2020 for Big Fix Up 

What next?

But what does 2022 hold for Sugar? First of all we are looking forward to growing our team further, bringing on board more developers and producers to assist in creating our ambitious vision. 

We are also going to be doubling down on our commitment to inclusive accessibility with everything we do. We’ve been working closely with a number of organisations focused on lived experiences and as part of 2022 we’ll be publishing a number of white papers about the challenges and opportunities faced with emerging tech.

We have a few secret projects in the pipeline - follow us on socials to be the first to know :) but one thing we are certain about it that we can’t wait to share the awesome work that we have been doing in Winchester for the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla experience with Hampshire Cultural Trust - be prepared to explore this historical city like never before! 

We will also be busy with the launch of GALWAD, more about this work will be revealed soon but for now visit the website to learn more about our partners and the initial ideas. 

Lastly, we’re really excited to be looking at the launch of ‘Project V’ in Q2 2022, our VR system will offer authors and storymakers a new engine for creating engaging and interactive story environments.

PLUS we’ll be at both SXSW and GDC next year showcasing our latest projects and more so come say hi and chat to the team to learn more. 

Visit - Cardiff
Lambourne House
Lambourne Cres.
CF14 5GL