Opportunities at Collective Cymru

Studio News
May 17, 2021

We are proud to be a founder partner of Collective Cymru, a partnership of Welsh organisations, artists and writers, led by National Theatre Wales.We’ve come together to imagine and produce a landmark creative event for Wales as part of FestivalUK* 2022, a celebration of creativity and innovation. https://www.festival2022.uk/

Our project will showcase Wales’ exceptional creative talents, people, places and languages to the world. We are already working with creative technologists, broadcasters, climate scientists, writers, artists and theatre-makers and we’re passionate about the difference this investment can make to the creative sector and communities across Wales, as well as creating new ways of collaborating across sectors.

Our work this spring starts with bringing together our new project team, engagement and production partners.

Over the coming months, we’ll also be offering opportunities to get involved across technical production, creative technology and broadcast, screen-writing and production design, community organising and engagement, learning and education and producing, with freelance, salaried and bursaried roles staggered across the lifetime of the project to end of December 2022.

Visit www.casgliad.cymru / www.collective.cymru to find out more or follow Collective Cymru onTwitter @CasgliadCymru

Visit - Cardiff
Lambourne House
Lambourne Cres.
CF14 5GL